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all the more so中文是什么意思

用"all the more so"造句"all the more so"怎么读"all the more so" in a sentence


  • 更加如此, 尤其这样
  • 更是如此


  • The last line is intolerably lame, all the more so after the two deeply felt lines that precede it .
  • This is the case with the developed nations , and all the more so with the underdeveloped ones
  • All the more so because china has built up huge potential for internal conflict
  • This applies all the more so to our buddhist practice , which constitutes training for becoming a buddha
    更何况,佛道修行本就是为了成佛而有的锻? 。
  • And all the more so when you remember that what we commemorate today ( celebrate is hardly the word ) is the crucifixion of jesus christ
  • All the more so given that it was first invented in 1984 before microsoft windows 1 . 0 , and just slightly after the first macintosh
    尤其知道它首次于1984年发明(在microsoft windows 1 . 0之前且刚好在第一台macintosh之后的一小段时间)就更了不起了。
用"all the more so"造句  
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